Baby T-shirts, Tshirts for kids, moms and dads - 3 Girls and Us

Cool, cute, groovy clothes for kids, moms and dads with simple, classic, cheeky designs. From bibs and creepers to baseball jerseys and T-shirts for all ages.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

New products coming soon!

It's been a while since we've posted here...summer holidays and all :)

Now it's back to work with a bang...and we're in the process of introducing a whole load of new products. The new products will take a while to reach all departments in the store, but they're coming! We've started with more kids clothes - like baseball shirts and hoodies.

Also coming soon...more products for women including camisoles and tank-tops.

As they hit the store, we'll announce them right here, so keep your eyes peeled.

Happy shopping!
T-shirts from 3 Girls and Us